Monday, March 26, 2012

Memo Data Type

I am transferring my access backend to sql 2005. access has a memo
data type. I tried using NVarChar(MAX), it will let me enter 254
characters. Then it gives me an error that the field is too small - it
won't even accept the 254. Is there another data type in SQL that I
can use that would be similar to the memo data type?
"doodle" wrote:
> I am transferring my access backend to sql 2005. access has a memo
> data type. I tried using NVarChar(MAX), it will let me enter 254
> characters. Then it gives me an error that the field is too small - it
> won't even accept the 254. Is there another data type in SQL that I
> can use that would be similar to the memo data type?
> -doodle
nvarchar(max) can hold 2^31 -1 bytes see It is most likely a
limit of the application that you are using that restricts imput/output to
254 bytes, for instance the tools/options menus in Query Analyser or SQL
Server Management Studio can be configure to set how many characters are
I checked it in SQL, it is currently set to 2147483647 bytes. What do
I need to change it to?
-doodle|||"doodle" <> wrote in message
> John,
> I checked it in SQL, it is currently set to 2147483647 bytes. What do
> I need to change it to?
> -doodle
I don't believe you can. If you need to store more than 2 gigs in a memo,
you may want to rethink your datastructure.
(perhaps a pointer to a file on a disk or something.)
Greg Moore
SQL Server DBA Consulting
sql (at)|||Hi
"doodle" wrote:
> John,
> I checked it in SQL, it is currently set to 2147483647 bytes. What do
> I need to change it to?
> -doodle
You do not say how you are updating this value a statement such as
SET MyMemoColumn = 'A very long memo text that is much longer than this'
Will work fine.
To see what size this value is use the query
SELECT LEN(MyMemoColumn)
FROM MyTable
Query Analyser will not allow you to set a the number of output characters
to a value as large as 2147483647 neither will SSMS which has a maximum
display value of 8192. How did you obtain this figure?
John|||It's being updated by forms in access 97.
"doodle" wrote:
> It's being updated by forms in access 97.
> -doodle
Did you run the query from my last reply to see how big the data is?

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