Monday, February 20, 2012

MDX In Reporting Services Syntax help!

Hi All,
Have the following query in an RS report that tracks Projects and their
managers BY TIME from an Analysis services Cube. I want to be able to have a
query-based parameter on Geography.Division where by a user will be prompted
with a dropdown list and accordingly the query will be executed. The below
syntax is no working when i substituted .MEMBERS with .[" + Parameters!PDiv.
Value + "] for the {[Geography].[Div].[" + Parameters!PDiv.Value + "]} SET.
When I used the "*" instead of NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN, it worked. I would really
appreciate the help here.
MEMBER [measures].[Finish] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Finished Count]),0,
[Measures].[Finished Count])'
MEMBER [measures].[Achieve] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Passed Count]),0,
[Measures].[Achieved Count])'
MEMBER [measures].[Wait] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Wait listed Count]),0,
[Measures].[Waiting Count])'
MEMBER [measures].[Hours] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Time Consumed]),0,
[Measures].[Time Consumed])'
[Geography].[Div].[" + Parameters!PDiv.Value + "]} ,{[Project].[Project].
Members}),{[Manager].[Manager name].members}),{[Time].[Period Id].members}),{
[Person].[Person Job].members})}
FROM [Project Evaluations]'
Message posted via ensure that Parameters!PDiv.Value is actually the data you want, you
may find out that Parameters!PDiv.Label is actually what you want: I usually
have the ".Value" being the mdx unique member name, and the ".Label" being
the user friendly display name.
"James Woo via" wrote:
> Hi All,
> Have the following query in an RS report that tracks Projects and their
> managers BY TIME from an Analysis services Cube. I want to be able to have a
> query-based parameter on Geography.Division where by a user will be prompted
> with a dropdown list and accordingly the query will be executed. The below
> syntax is no working when i substituted .MEMBERS with .[" + Parameters!PDiv.
> Value + "] for the {[Geography].[Div].[" + Parameters!PDiv.Value + "]} SET.
> When I used the "*" instead of NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN, it worked. I would really
> appreciate the help here.
> ='
> MEMBER [measures].[Finish] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Finished Count]),0,
> [Measures].[Finished Count])'
> MEMBER [measures].[Achieve] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Passed Count]),0,
> [Measures].[Achieved Count])'
> MEMBER [measures].[Wait] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Wait listed Count]),0,
> [Measures].[Waiting Count])'
> MEMBER [measures].[Hours] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Time Consumed]),0,
> [Measures].[Time Consumed])'
> {[Measures].[Finish],[Measures].[Achieve],[measures].[Wait],[Measures].[Hours]
> [Geography].[Div].[" + Parameters!PDiv.Value + "]} ,{[Project].[Project].
> Members}),{[Manager].[Manager name].members}),{[Time].[Period Id].members}),{
> [Person].[Person Job].members})}
> FROM [Project Evaluations]'
> Thanks
> --
> Message posted via
>|||I want the data in the pDiv since it will list all the Division from which i
can select one division to query on. I just have a problem with the syntax
and have tried different things to solve it wih no avail. Still need to get
the parameter passed to the .member in the MDX query. no solution here yet.
HELP :).
mike wrote:
>first ensure that Parameters!PDiv.Value is actually the data you want, you
>may find out that Parameters!PDiv.Label is actually what you want: I usually
>have the ".Value" being the mdx unique member name, and the ".Label" being
>the user friendly display name.
>> Hi All,
>> Have the following query in an RS report that tracks Projects and their
>[quoted text clipped - 28 lines]
>> Thanks
Message posted via|||If the * syntax worked and Nonemptycrossjoin didn't, was there something
data-wise that was a problem with the * version? Why not just use what
works? NECJ has been deprecated in AS 2005, while it still functions, its
use is discouraged.
Also, there is no need to nest four NonEmptyCrossJoins - unlike the
CrossJoin which only takes two arguments, you can combine several dimensions
in a single function call: nonemptycrossjoin(A, B, C, D, E). This will
return a result with dimensionality A*B*C*D*E. If you want to ensure
non-emptyness across these five dimensions but have a result with A*B*C
dimensionality, use nonemptycrossjoin(A,B,C,D,E,3)
If that doesn't work, I can only fall back on the RS 2000 Samples. The
parameterized Foodmart sample report actually brings back all of the Product
data, and then uses a filter on the BrandSales matrix object to restrict
data to the product family selected from the families listed in the
parameter query. In your case, you would have a second MDX query that pulls
back a list of Divisions, and the main query would pull back all project
data, but you could filter it to only the desired Division. Because the
parameter is evaluated in the RS context (as opposed to MDX) it works. But
this is not a true parameterized query, it is a clever hack.
In RS 2005, MDX parameters are more like the @.syntax of SQL parameters, and
can be evaluated on the query side. The parameter is usually selected
through the FROM clause. I doubt if this will work for you in RS 2000, but
here is a sample RS 2005 dataset with two parameters:
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Total Amount] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY {
[Providers].[Category].[Provider].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES
Note the * syntyax within NON EMPTY( ... ) instead of NonEmptyCrossJoin.
Cheers, Mark
"James Woo via" <> wrote in message
>I want the data in the pDiv since it will list all the Division from which
> can select one division to query on. I just have a problem with the syntax
> and have tried different things to solve it wih no avail. Still need to
> get
> the parameter passed to the .member in the MDX query. no solution here
> yet.
> HELP :).
> mike wrote:
>>first ensure that Parameters!PDiv.Value is actually the data you want, you
>>may find out that Parameters!PDiv.Label is actually what you want: I
>>have the ".Value" being the mdx unique member name, and the ".Label" being
>>the user friendly display name.
>> Hi All,
>> Have the following query in an RS report that tracks Projects and their
>>[quoted text clipped - 28 lines]
>> Thanks
> --
> Message posted via
>|||don't use single quote: use double quote see below;
MEMBER [measures].[Finish] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Finished Count]),0,
[Measures].[Finished Count])'
MEMBER [measures].[Achieve] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Passed Count]),0,
[Measures].[Achieved Count])'
MEMBER [measures].[Wait] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Wait listed Count]),0,
[Measures].[Waiting Count])'
MEMBER [measures].[Hours] AS 'iif(isempty([Measures].[Time Consumed]),0,
[Measures].[Time Consumed])'
[Geography].[Div].[" + Parameters!PDiv.Value + "]} ,{[Project].[Project].
Members}),{[Manager].[Manager name].members}),{[Time].[Period Id].members}),{
[Person].[Person Job].members})}
FROM [Project Evaluations]"
"James Woo via" wrote:
> I want the data in the pDiv since it will list all the Division from which i
> can select one division to query on. I just have a problem with the syntax
> and have tried different things to solve it wih no avail. Still need to get
> the parameter passed to the .member in the MDX query. no solution here yet.
> HELP :).
> mike wrote:
> >first ensure that Parameters!PDiv.Value is actually the data you want, you
> >may find out that Parameters!PDiv.Label is actually what you want: I usually
> >have the ".Value" being the mdx unique member name, and the ".Label" being
> >the user friendly display name.
> >
> >> Hi All,
> >> Have the following query in an RS report that tracks Projects and their
> >[quoted text clipped - 28 lines]
> >>
> >> Thanks
> --
> Message posted via
>|||1- thanks for all the Advice.
2- the Query in the report worked after changing to Non Empty(SET1*SET2*SET3,
3- AS 2000: Should I use NON EMPTY (SET1*SET2*SET3,etc). instead of NECJ
(SET1,SET2,SET3,etc) ? What is the difference?
4- Switching to SQLServer/AS2005 in three weeks. New set of books, new ulcer
precription, and lots of questions.:). Do you recommend for sql 2000 to sql
2005 Analysis services migration, books, articles, site. etc.?
Thank you,
Mark Job wrote:
>If the * syntax worked and Nonemptycrossjoin didn't, was there something
>data-wise that was a problem with the * version? Why not just use what
>works? NECJ has been deprecated in AS 2005, while it still functions, its
>use is discouraged.
>Also, there is no need to nest four NonEmptyCrossJoins - unlike the
>CrossJoin which only takes two arguments, you can combine several dimensions
>in a single function call: nonemptycrossjoin(A, B, C, D, E). This will
>return a result with dimensionality A*B*C*D*E. If you want to ensure
>non-emptyness across these five dimensions but have a result with A*B*C
>dimensionality, use nonemptycrossjoin(A,B,C,D,E,3)
>If that doesn't work, I can only fall back on the RS 2000 Samples. The
>parameterized Foodmart sample report actually brings back all of the Product
>data, and then uses a filter on the BrandSales matrix object to restrict
>data to the product family selected from the families listed in the
>parameter query. In your case, you would have a second MDX query that pulls
>back a list of Divisions, and the main query would pull back all project
>data, but you could filter it to only the desired Division. Because the
>parameter is evaluated in the RS context (as opposed to MDX) it works. But
>this is not a true parameterized query, it is a clever hack.
>In RS 2005, MDX parameters are more like the @.syntax of SQL parameters, and
>can be evaluated on the query side. The parameter is usually selected
>through the FROM clause. I doubt if this will work for you in RS 2000, but
>here is a sample RS 2005 dataset with two parameters:
>SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Total Amount] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY {
>[Providers].[Category].[Provider].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES
>Note the * syntyax within NON EMPTY( ... ) instead of NonEmptyCrossJoin.
>Cheers, Mark
>>I want the data in the pDiv since it will list all the Division from which
>[quoted text clipped - 16 lines]
>> Thanks
Message posted via|||Before I answer you questions, a quick one for you. I assumed that your MDX
was in a dataset, but then I saw the expression (=' <MDX query> ') syntax.
Did you have that embedded in some other RS object?
Now for your questions. I apologize in advance if I run on...
3) well, one difference is that NON EMPTY (S1 * S2 * S3) works ;-)
the other difference is in the dimensionality of the returned data. It is
harder to see this in RS, you might want to try the MDX Sample application
which helps you to visualize the returned data better. RS distorts the true
query results into a flattened rowset, whereas true MDX can return a
multi-dimensional result set, or combinations of dimensions on rows and
columns (and up to 63 total dimensions).
What I mean by "dimensionality" is that a S1 * S2 * S3 will be a result set
with all three of those dimensions - a set of three element tuples. With
NECJ you can test for non-null combinations across more attributes, but then
return a result set with fewer dimensions than what you tested, which is
sometimes useful. So if you use Nonemptycrossjoin(Set1, Set2, Set3, Set4,
Set5, 3), that last numeric argument says "I want to check all five of these
dimensions to make sure the intersection yields a non-null result, but when
you've done that, return a set of tuples on only the first three dimensions
Set1, Set2 and Set3."
I read that NECJ has been deprecated because it has problems. If you read
some of the textbooks and whitepapers out there, there are times when you
may want to use one or the other for efficiency - there is a good recorded
TechNet webcast on Common Mistakes in MDX that you can Google for that
constrasts NECJ and Nonempty. I can dig it up if you hace trouble finding
4) Not sure I am parsing your question correctly. If you are looking for an
endorsement of SS / AS 2005, then yes, emphatically. Lots of cool new
stuff. If you are looking for texts, that is a broad question - SS, RS, AS,
MDX, etc. As for books, things are still pretty sparse.
I've heard that both Spofford et al (MDX Solutions) and Pasumansky et al
(Fast Track to MDX) are writing new versions. The former is a great
reference source and has pretty much everything you'd ever want to know
about MDX, but can be a difficult slog some times and a great sleeping pill
at others. But I couldn't do MDX without it. Mosha's Fast Tracks book is
more accessible, but not as complete as Spofford's. But then Mosha is right
there on the development team, and is a great authority.
For RS, I am sure that Stacia Misner, Teo Lachev, Peter Blackburn and
everyone else will update their existing texts sooner or later. IMO RS in
some ways has fewer changes than most of SS2005, but in others (especially
the ad hoc Report Builder) there is a lot of new material to write about.
The appetite for RS books is also greater than all the rest due to the end
user impact.
As for AS 2005, the changes there are huge. There weren't many good texts
on AS 2000, but Reed Jacobsen's Analysis Services Step by Step was all you
really needed. I sincerely hope that he will be updating his book for
Amd if you're looking for consultants, well, I know a few ;-)
"James Woo via" <> wrote in message
> 1- thanks for all the Advice.
> 2- the Query in the report worked after changing to Non
> Empty(SET1*SET2*SET3,
> etc).
> 3- AS 2000: Should I use NON EMPTY (SET1*SET2*SET3,etc). instead of NECJ
> (SET1,SET2,SET3,etc) ? What is the difference?
> 4- Switching to SQLServer/AS2005 in three weeks. New set of books, new
> ulcer
> precription, and lots of questions.:). Do you recommend for sql 2000 to
> sql
> 2005 Analysis services migration, books, articles, site. etc.?
> Thank you,
> James
> Mark Job wrote:
>>If the * syntax worked and Nonemptycrossjoin didn't, was there something
>>data-wise that was a problem with the * version? Why not just use what
>>works? NECJ has been deprecated in AS 2005, while it still functions, its
>>use is discouraged.
>>Also, there is no need to nest four NonEmptyCrossJoins - unlike the
>>CrossJoin which only takes two arguments, you can combine several
>>in a single function call: nonemptycrossjoin(A, B, C, D, E). This will
>>return a result with dimensionality A*B*C*D*E. If you want to ensure
>>non-emptyness across these five dimensions but have a result with A*B*C
>>dimensionality, use nonemptycrossjoin(A,B,C,D,E,3)
>>If that doesn't work, I can only fall back on the RS 2000 Samples. The
>>parameterized Foodmart sample report actually brings back all of the
>>data, and then uses a filter on the BrandSales matrix object to restrict
>>data to the product family selected from the families listed in the
>>parameter query. In your case, you would have a second MDX query that
>>back a list of Divisions, and the main query would pull back all project
>>data, but you could filter it to only the desired Division. Because the
>>parameter is evaluated in the RS context (as opposed to MDX) it works.
>>this is not a true parameterized query, it is a clever hack.
>>In RS 2005, MDX parameters are more like the @.syntax of SQL parameters,
>>can be evaluated on the query side. The parameter is usually selected
>>through the FROM clause. I doubt if this will work for you in RS 2000,
>>here is a sample RS 2005 dataset with two parameters:
>>SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Total Amount] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY {
>>[Providers].[Category].[Provider].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES
>>Note the * syntyax within NON EMPTY( ... ) instead of NonEmptyCrossJoin.
>>Cheers, Mark
>>I want the data in the pDiv since it will list all the Division from
>>[quoted text clipped - 16 lines]
>> Thanks
> --
> Message posted via
>|||Mark Dude;
1- Thanks a bunch for you detailed answers. Sometimes, I wish that all
answers given in this forum are as thorough as yours, but then, no complaints
here. Great advice and clarity.
Thanks again, and have a great weekend.
Go Yankees. Go Buckeyes. :).
Mark Job wrote:
>Before I answer you questions, a quick one for you. I assumed that your MDX
>was in a dataset, but then I saw the expression (=' <MDX query> ') syntax.
>Did you have that embedded in some other RS object?
>Now for your questions. I apologize in advance if I run on...
>3) well, one difference is that NON EMPTY (S1 * S2 * S3) works ;-)
>the other difference is in the dimensionality of the returned data. It is
>harder to see this in RS, you might want to try the MDX Sample application
>which helps you to visualize the returned data better. RS distorts the true
>query results into a flattened rowset, whereas true MDX can return a
>multi-dimensional result set, or combinations of dimensions on rows and
>columns (and up to 63 total dimensions).
> What I mean by "dimensionality" is that a S1 * S2 * S3 will be a result set
>with all three of those dimensions - a set of three element tuples. With
>NECJ you can test for non-null combinations across more attributes, but then
>return a result set with fewer dimensions than what you tested, which is
>sometimes useful. So if you use Nonemptycrossjoin(Set1, Set2, Set3, Set4,
>Set5, 3), that last numeric argument says "I want to check all five of these
>dimensions to make sure the intersection yields a non-null result, but when
>you've done that, return a set of tuples on only the first three dimensions
>Set1, Set2 and Set3."
>I read that NECJ has been deprecated because it has problems. If you read
>some of the textbooks and whitepapers out there, there are times when you
>may want to use one or the other for efficiency - there is a good recorded
>TechNet webcast on Common Mistakes in MDX that you can Google for that
>constrasts NECJ and Nonempty. I can dig it up if you hace trouble finding
>4) Not sure I am parsing your question correctly. If you are looking for an
>endorsement of SS / AS 2005, then yes, emphatically. Lots of cool new
>stuff. If you are looking for texts, that is a broad question - SS, RS, AS,
>MDX, etc. As for books, things are still pretty sparse.
>I've heard that both Spofford et al (MDX Solutions) and Pasumansky et al
>(Fast Track to MDX) are writing new versions. The former is a great
>reference source and has pretty much everything you'd ever want to know
>about MDX, but can be a difficult slog some times and a great sleeping pill
>at others. But I couldn't do MDX without it. Mosha's Fast Tracks book is
>more accessible, but not as complete as Spofford's. But then Mosha is right
>there on the development team, and is a great authority.
>For RS, I am sure that Stacia Misner, Teo Lachev, Peter Blackburn and
>everyone else will update their existing texts sooner or later. IMO RS in
>some ways has fewer changes than most of SS2005, but in others (especially
>the ad hoc Report Builder) there is a lot of new material to write about.
>The appetite for RS books is also greater than all the rest due to the end
>user impact.
>As for AS 2005, the changes there are huge. There weren't many good texts
>on AS 2000, but Reed Jacobsen's Analysis Services Step by Step was all you
>really needed. I sincerely hope that he will be updating his book for
>Amd if you're looking for consultants, well, I know a few ;-)
>> 1- thanks for all the Advice.
>> 2- the Query in the report worked after changing to Non
>[quoted text clipped - 63 lines]
>> Thanks
Message posted via|||Here is the URL thast Mark has refered to regarding the TechNet Support
WebCast: Common MDX mistakes and solutions in Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Analysis Services
Mark Job wrote:
>Before I answer you questions, a quick one for you. I assumed that your MDX
>was in a dataset, but then I saw the expression (=' <MDX query> ') syntax.
>Did you have that embedded in some other RS object?
>Now for your questions. I apologize in advance if I run on...
>3) well, one difference is that NON EMPTY (S1 * S2 * S3) works ;-)
>the other difference is in the dimensionality of the returned data. It is
>harder to see this in RS, you might want to try the MDX Sample application
>which helps you to visualize the returned data better. RS distorts the true
>query results into a flattened rowset, whereas true MDX can return a
>multi-dimensional result set, or combinations of dimensions on rows and
>columns (and up to 63 total dimensions).
> What I mean by "dimensionality" is that a S1 * S2 * S3 will be a result set
>with all three of those dimensions - a set of three element tuples. With
>NECJ you can test for non-null combinations across more attributes, but then
>return a result set with fewer dimensions than what you tested, which is
>sometimes useful. So if you use Nonemptycrossjoin(Set1, Set2, Set3, Set4,
>Set5, 3), that last numeric argument says "I want to check all five of these
>dimensions to make sure the intersection yields a non-null result, but when
>you've done that, return a set of tuples on only the first three dimensions
>Set1, Set2 and Set3."
>I read that NECJ has been deprecated because it has problems. If you read
>some of the textbooks and whitepapers out there, there are times when you
>may want to use one or the other for efficiency - there is a good recorded
>TechNet webcast on Common Mistakes in MDX that you can Google for that
>constrasts NECJ and Nonempty. I can dig it up if you hace trouble finding
>4) Not sure I am parsing your question correctly. If you are looking for an
>endorsement of SS / AS 2005, then yes, emphatically. Lots of cool new
>stuff. If you are looking for texts, that is a broad question - SS, RS, AS,
>MDX, etc. As for books, things are still pretty sparse.
>I've heard that both Spofford et al (MDX Solutions) and Pasumansky et al
>(Fast Track to MDX) are writing new versions. The former is a great
>reference source and has pretty much everything you'd ever want to know
>about MDX, but can be a difficult slog some times and a great sleeping pill
>at others. But I couldn't do MDX without it. Mosha's Fast Tracks book is
>more accessible, but not as complete as Spofford's. But then Mosha is right
>there on the development team, and is a great authority.
>For RS, I am sure that Stacia Misner, Teo Lachev, Peter Blackburn and
>everyone else will update their existing texts sooner or later. IMO RS in
>some ways has fewer changes than most of SS2005, but in others (especially
>the ad hoc Report Builder) there is a lot of new material to write about.
>The appetite for RS books is also greater than all the rest due to the end
>user impact.
>As for AS 2005, the changes there are huge. There weren't many good texts
>on AS 2000, but Reed Jacobsen's Analysis Services Step by Step was all you
>really needed. I sincerely hope that he will be updating his book for
>Amd if you're looking for consultants, well, I know a few ;-)
>> 1- thanks for all the Advice.
>> 2- the Query in the report worked after changing to Non
>[quoted text clipped - 63 lines]
>> Thanks
Message posted via

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