Friday, March 9, 2012

MDX Query with parameters

Hi there,

I'm developing one MDX query to place in my report, but I'm having a lot of troubles when using one of my report parameters.

I hope I can explain me good enough.

I have a report parameter that's used in the WHERE clause to choose the value of one of my dimensions, the problem is that I'm also trying to compare the value of this parameter to decide the value of another dimension, but the comparison isn't working at all.

Let me show one example:

The parameter name in question is: DimFolderWalletDesciption.

Code Snippet

@.DimFolderWalletDesciption = [Dim Folder].[Wallet Desciption].&[Investimento],
[Dim Indexation].[Indexation Group].[Rendimento Variável],
[Dim Indexation].[Indexation Group].[Indexation Group].ALLMEMBERS

This is suppost to do the following: If my parameter as the selected value "Investimento", then the "Indexation Group" selected should be "Rendimento Fixo" if not, there shouldn't be any "filter" in the Dimension "Indexation Group".

I've tryed a lot of combinations, but none works, what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.
Problem solved.

Best regards,

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